A specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection. The Organization serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its 191 Member States.

ICAO 9734 Part C

ICAO 9734 Part C

Safety Oversight Manual - Part C - The Establishment and Management of a State's Aviation Safety Ove

$19.00 $38.00

ICAO 9735

ICAO 9735

Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Manual (Doc 9735 AN/960)

$44.00 $88.00

ICAO 9740

ICAO 9740

Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Doc 9740)

$63.00 $125.00

ICAO 9750

ICAO 9750

ICAO 2013 - 2028 Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750)

$63.00 $126.00

ICAO 9756 - Part 1

ICAO 9756 - Part 1

Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation - Part 1: Organization and Planning (Doc 975

$65.00 $129.00

ICAO 9756 - Part 2

ICAO 9756 - Part 2

Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation - Part 2: Procedures and Checklists (Doc 9756

$81.00 $161.00

ICAO 9756 - Part 3

ICAO 9756 - Part 3

Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation - Part 3: Investigation (Doc 9756 AN/965)

$274.00 $547.00

ICAO 9756 - Part 4

ICAO 9756 - Part 4

Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation - Part 4 - Reporting (Doc 9756 AN/965)

$33.00 $66.00

ICAO 9760

ICAO 9760

Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760 AN/967)

$260.00 $520.00

ICAO 9773

ICAO 9773

International Conference on Air Law - Minutes and Documents (Doc 9773)

$106.00 $212.00

ICAO 9774

ICAO 9774

Manual on Certification of Aerodromes (Doc 9774)

$30.00 $59.00

ICAO 9775 Vol. 1

ICAO 9775 Vol. 1

International Conference on Air Law - 1999 - Volume I - Minutes (Doc 9775 Vol. 1-DC/2) - Convention

$141.00 $282.00

ICAO 9775 Vol. 2

ICAO 9775 Vol. 2

International Conference on Air Law - 1999 - Volume 2 -Documents (Doc 9775 Vol. 2-DC/2) - Conventio

$280.00 $559.00

ICAO 9775 Vol. 3

ICAO 9775 Vol. 3

International Conference on Air Law - 1999 - Volume 3 -Preparatory Material (Doc 9775 Vol. 3-DC/2)

$212.00 $423.00

ICAO 9776

ICAO 9776

Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2. (Doc 9776-AN/970)

$87.00 $173.00

Showing 196 to 210 of 444 (30 Pages)